
This command line script can be used to process multiple folders at the same time using the config file created by the maverick graphical interface.


Connect to the analysis computer

Follow this tutorial to find the way to log in to our analysis server.

Start a terminal

Launch a terminal by clicking the icon at the top

Launch the command

To get help regarding the command, type:

    > /SNS/SNAP/shared/CIS/maverick_cli --help

usage: -m [-h] [-algorithm {mean,median}]
          bin_table_file_name export folders [folders ...]

Combine and bin a set of TOF folders,

    /SNS/SNAP/shared/CIS/maverick_cli -algorithm mean log_table_bin.json ./ /folder1 /folder2 /folder3
    /SNS/SNAP/shared/CIS/maverick_cli log_table_bin.json ./ /folder1 /folder2 /folder3
    /SNS/SNAP/shared/CIS/maverick_cli log_table_bin.json ./ /folder3 /folder2

positional arguments:
  bin_table_file_name   file name of the table of bins created by the UI
  export                output folder where the combined data will be saved
  folders               list of folders to combine

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -algorithm {mean,median}
                        Algorithm to use to combine the folders (default is

NB: the list of input folders arguments must be last!



bin_table_file_name:  This is the name of the file created in the maverick user interface, by saving the table of bins.

export: the location where you want to export the result

folders: the list of folders to process. This list must be placed last in the list of arguments


-algorithm: algorithm to use when combining the folders. Either mean or median. Median is the default one.

-help: to display the help of the command


    > /SNS/SNAP/shared/CIS/maverick_cli -algorithm mean log_table_bin.json ./ /folder1 /folder2 /folder3
# using mean instead of median 
# exporting to the current folder
# working with 3 input folders

> /SNS/SNAP/shared/CIS/maverick_cli log_table_bin.json ./ /folder1 /folder2 /folder3
# using default algorithm median
# exporting to the current folder
# working with 3 input folders

> /SNS/SNAP/shared/CIS/maverick_cli log_table_bin.json ./ /folder3 /folder2
# using default algorithm median
# exporting to the current folder
# working with 2 input folders