
Using the ORNL Database service ONCat in the back, users can create an ASCII file with the acquisition time and metadata of interest selected. The output file will look like this


Select your IPTS

Need help using the IPTS selector?

Select TIFF images

Using the file selection tool, select the list of images to use.

Log in to ONCat

In order to be able to retrieve the metadata from our database (ONCat) you will need to log in by typing your XCAMS password, then hit ENTER. A message will show you if you entered the right password or not.

Select metadata to keep

The notebook will list all the metadata found in the first image you selected with an example of values, again found in the first file. Select all the metadata you want to see in the final ASCII output file. Use CTRL + CLICK to select more than one metadata.

Create and export ASCII file

Using the folder selection tool, select the output folder.

The program will automatically name the file based on the input folder

For example:

  • input folder: 20180814
  • ASCII file: 20180814_metadata_report.txt